报告题目:Accident Tolerant Cladding Materials: Modelling of BDBA Behavior with MELCOR
时 间:2017年9月7日(周四)上午9:00-11:00
地 点:化工楼五楼会议室
报 告 人:王俊 博士
联 系 人:张亚培(18092552139)
Educational Background
- Post-Doctor Assistance Researcher of Engineering (2015.12 ~)
-Joint Supervision Doctor Candidate of Engineering (2013.9 ~ 2015.9)
- Major: Nuclear Engineering
- Engineering Physics Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- Supervisor: Prof. Michael L Corradini
-Doctor of Engineering (2012.3 ~2015.12)
-Master of Engineering (2010.9~2012.3)
-Bachelor of Engineering (2006.9~2010.6)
- Major: Nuclear Engineering
- School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
- Supervisor: Prof. SuiZheng, Qiu; Prof. Guanghui Su.
Dr. Jun Wang is an honorary research associate in University of Wisconsin Madison. His research regions include nuclear fuels, nuclear thermal hydraulics, nuclear power plant (NPP) severe accident, core sub-channel, generation IV NPP concept design, experiment two-phase flow, computation fluid dynamics simulation, and applications of new methods. Now Dr. Wang mainly focuses on nuclear fuels, nuclear fuels, nuclear thermal hydraulics, and nuclear power plant (NPP) severe accident. His reseach including accident tolerance fuels (cladding) thermal physical properties evaluations, steam explosion code development, and nuclear policy. Dr. Wang is guest associate editor of Journal Frontiers in Energy Research. Dr. Wang is responsible for nuclear energy thermal hydraulic reearch in this journal.Dr. Wang's co-supervisors are Prof. Corradini and Prof. Sridharan.