讲座题目:Nuclear Materials Compatibility and Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle
报 告 人:张金锁教授
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邀 请 人:苏光辉 教授
Material compatibility and nuclear waste treatment are two of the key concerns in the operation of nuclear power systems and development of the advanced nuclear reactors. Most, if not all, of the proposed advanced reactor concepts are limited by material compatibility, for example, cladding materials degradation by the coolant and fuel cladding chemical interactions. On the other hand, the current methods commercially used for treatment of nuclear wastes and used nuclear fuel are subject to widespread public criticism, which has put significant resistance on the development of advanced nuclear energy. This seminar will cover the current research activities (both experimental and modeling studies), research capabilities, and future research plan on the material compatibility and pyroprocessing technology at Virginia Tech. The talk includes: 1) Nuclear Materials compatibility (materials corrosion, degradation and characterization, FCCI of metallic nuclear fuel); 2) electrochemical separation and technology development, and 3) advanced coolant and cladding materials.
Prof. Zhang is a professor of Nuclear Engineering and Science Program at Virginia Tech. Prof. Zhang joined the university in Jan. 2017. Before that, Prof. Zhang was an associate professor and the director of the Center of Nuclear Materials and Fuel Cycle Research in the Nuclear Engineering Program at The Ohio State University from 09/2012 to 12/2017. Through 09/2004 to 08/2012, Prof. Zhang was a staff scientist of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and he was a postdoc research associate of the same laboratory through 2001 to 2004. Prof. Zhang got his Ph.D from Zhejiang University in 2001, and his B.S. from the same university in 1997. Prof. Zhang focuses on studies of advanced used nuclear fuel reprocessing, safeguards and non-proliferation, nuclear materials, material compatibility and materials corrosion in advanced and current nuclear reactors.